
your attention, please : by amy

Lately, Logan's been...irritable.  He is still his silly self 90% of the time, but something is off.  He showed sudden and extreme separation anxiety on Sunday when we dropped him off at the nursery-- vomiting and clingy-ness.  He's been having mini-meltdowns on the kitchen floor.  He's been grabbing my hand and demanding that I follow his orders, "or else" (i.e. mini-meltdown).

Is it because he had 3 shots on Friday?  Is it because his molars are coming in?  Is it because I'm working too much??  (haha, I always use this as an excuse...see past blog post).  Are these the terrible-not-even-twos??  Whatever it is, it's been sort of sucking.  

So, how does one respond to this whacky behavior?  Most of the time, I show tough love and am not afraid to use say "NO," or "Mmm Mmm! *shaking head*" or bust out the hissing Korean sound.  If he's being crabby on the kitchen floor for no valid reason, I typically leave him alone.  I'm not going to let him fool me with his dog and pony show!  I'll show him who's the real boss in this house!


Or, am I supposed to look at him in the eye and say, "Logan, I can see you are very upset right now.  Can you please try to understand that although I want to play with you, I need to finish preparing your dinner?"  Or, should I pick him up and give him hugs to make him feel better?  (btw, my hugs don't seem to calm him down).  Or, should I give in because maybe this is his way of telling me "MOM, you spend all day at the office.  I want you to play with me NOW"?  Man, he's so good at guilt-tripping me...

I think the answer is sort of a mix of all of the above.  Sometimes, if Logan is acting up, I'll tell him, "Logan, I know you are mad, but I need to finish what I'm doing.  You have to WAIT.  Please wait for umma."  Then, I'll let him scream and cry.  He typically gets over it once the next distraction comes around.  Not sure if this is the "right" thing to do, but it's what I do.  

How do you ummas deal with difficult toddler behavior?

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate. I used to have an amazing 18 month old who I could read 2 stories give him some milk and he would roll into my chest and pass out and go straight in his crib. For the past 4-5 nights I feel like I am back at 6 months old where he is screaming bloody murder for 45 minutes and crying out "Momma". Its so much tougher this time when he can communicate. I even asked my husband last night if he thought our son would be mad at me in the morning for making him cry it out for bedtime. I feel like finding the balance is so difficult. I work full time as well and you want to find your evenings to be full of playtime and fun, instead of discipline and telling them to "hold on". I think the balance you have found is good, and its a relief to hear that I am not the only other Momma in this position with needy children who have suddenly become this way after being so good for the first year plus of their life.
