
the winner!

Sorry for the delay, folks-- we've got full time jobs too!

But, we've selected our first and second prize winners for our first giveaway!  Before we announce the winners, we just wanted to give y'all a big THANK YOU for submitting your photos and participating!  It was fun seeing baby-versions of mommies and daddies along with their mini-me's.  We wished we could've picked more than 2 winners.  We hope to do more giveaways in the future, so keep on reading!

OK, now, what you've all been waiting for...

Our second place winners of the lovely blue Lollacup are Lara and her beauty, Sage!  OK, so their hair color isn't the same, but their smiles and facial features (not to mention scantily clad-ness!) are definitely similar.

Our grand-prize, first place winners of the Lollacup gift set are Soo-Kyung and her son, Elijah!  Who knew that mom and son could look so similar?

Congrats again to our winners~!  Hope the babes enjoy sipping on their Lollacups!  BIG shout out to the Lollacup crew for hooking us up with the giveaway!

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