
#2 : by jean

a friend of a friend accidentally got pregnant with their #3.  they were happy with 2 kids but then had a weekend away from the kids, perhaps too much vodka, and then voilà!

note to self: NEVER get drunk while not on birth control.  EVER. 

so this story got me thinking-- i know there's no "right" time to have a baby but when is it a good time to have baby #2?  just so you know, i am not pregnant nor am i planning to get pregnant or drunk any time soon. :)

my sister was born when i was 10, so i always envied friends who had brothers and sisters around their age.  it seemed like so much fun!  now that i'm a parent, i would like miles to have a sibling or two (maybe) somewhat close in age, but i am sooo not ready to go through the sleepless nights again.  pregnancy wasn't too bad, but i just don't have it in me yet to deal with labor and the first few newborn weeks.  i feel like i'm now JUST getting my life back, really enjoying miles and getting to understand his personality.

how did you decide to have #2, #3, or more?  did it just happen, or did you plan?


  1. Mine two eldest are 4 and a half years apart and thedistance between the middle and youngest is 5 years. I didn't want two in diapers at once since I am a working parent, however as they are older now there is a greater chasm as to who does what when. That leads to great stress to the parents. It is sooo much tougher when they are little to be closer, however I think if I did it over again, I would have them closer in age. It is better for them and for you when they are older.

  2. Our kids are 15 months apart and I agree that it's much easier doing activities when they are closer together in age. They can both do swim lessons, tennis lessons, etc vs having a younger one carried while carting the older one to activities. It is much harder when they are really little but it totally pays off after a few years.
