
Mommy in the mirror : by amy

My Facebook news feed was overflowing with "RIP Newtown" updates, photos of the victims, and anti-gun propaganda.  In the midst of it all, this article caught my eye: I am Adam Lanza's Mother.  If you haven't read it yet, please stop to do so now.

The tragedy in Newtown has taken an emotional toll on me.  I watch Logan in awe as he plays with his boxes and dances joyfully to Vince Guaraldi's Linus and Lucy.  But I can't help but feel scared.  I know the world is a far scarier place today than it was when I was growing up.  Sexting.  Creepers on social media.  Sandusky.  Massacres.  I remember praying fervently everyday during Logan's first few months, asking God to help me raise Logan well and to do the "right" thing.  Now, I pray fervently for God's healing on the world so that the community can raise future generations well.

As President Obama reminded us, we have a communal responsibility to raise our children.  It reminded me of when Logan was baptized.  Our pastor asked the congregation to stand and make a commitment to help raise Logan in the church.  Being a parent has already stretched my heart for children beyond my own-- and I always thought I'd be one of those parents who only really cared for her own kid!  After the tragic events in Newtown, it's convicted me even more to take on a greater responsibility to pray and serve our children.

In the wise words of Michael Jackson, make a change.

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