
they make that?? : by jean

miles is at an age where he does NOT stay still especially when you are changing his diaper.  he's constantly trying to roll over as i'm cleaning away his smelly mess.

i was flipping through some magazines and came across this!

i don't know about you but i started CRACKING UP!!
they really do make something for EVERYTHING in the baby industry.  is this for real?  i'm sure it could work...but am i really going to spend $44 to have my child stay put as i'm changing his diaper?

and what about this?!
zaky infant pillow
i'm sorry but this is just CREEPY!  let's have fake hands to make your baby feel like you are touching them when you are not. ahh!!

i just had to share. :)

if any of you have these, please do share if they work or not!
happy thursday~

1 comment:

  1. i like how they make the picture for the changing table thing of the baby all calm and stuff. I'm sure if you used it with a squirmy baby, the baby would still be flipping out for trying to hold him/her still despite the fancy holder.
