
lets talk about...: by jean

yes, let's talk about it.  really quick, short and sweet.

when i went in for my 6 week postpartum check up, my doctor asked me if we needed to talk about birth control.  i laughed at her.  i mean come on, it's only been 6 weeks since i gave birth!  of COURSE i don't need to talk about birth control! (read about my labor story here)

in the end, doesn't it come down to sleep or sex or all of those chores waiting for you-- vacuuming, dishes, laundry, cooking, showering?  many times, yes, i am too tired to even think about sex but other times there's just so much to do as soon as you come home-- make food, feed, burp, bathe, make bottle, feed, burp, change clothes, put to sleep, make food for yourself, eat, dishes, get stuff ready for tomorrow, shower, watch tv, pass out.  there aren't enough hours in the day to do EVERYTHING!  do you guys have time for sex?  yes, i hear that you have to MAKE time, but if you do have the time, don't you just want to sleep or veg out in front of the tv?

and how long after you gave birth did you start having sex again?  i can't really go into detail since most of you know who i am and it wouldn't be fair to my roommate, but i will say he was very patient with me.  :)  feel free to respond anonymously!

msnbc's article about how to reclaim the passion
huffintonpost says swedish parents have had sex while baby is in their bed. what?!
redbook's post-baby sex survival guide
the bump's article "do people ACTUALLY have sex after babies?"
discovery health's 10 ways to spice up your sex life
parent's breastfeeding take on and sex


  1. THREE MONTHS after the birth of each child. The last one it could have been a year as far as I was concerned .. .. but it worked out :)

  2. anonymous-did you plan for 3 months after each child or did it just happen that way?

  3. (different anon) I think the first time was around 5 months after giving birth. Baby's about 13 months old now, and I think it only happened maybe 4 or 5 more times between then and now. The fatigue/busy thing is a problem, but for me it's mostly discomfort that makes me not want to.

  4. Oh the discomfort...it gets better right?
