
NEWS ALERT: Teething gels potentially fatal!?

Just a few days ago, the FDA just re-issued a warning about teething gels (specifically, the benzocaine in most teething gels), which are often used to relieve pain in teething babies.  The drug can cause a serious and sometimes deadly condition that reduces oxygen in the bloodstream.  Read the story here.

I had a tube of Orajel in my stash of baby supplies but never used it (and now never will!).  I always thought it was kinda weird to smear some stuff on the baby's gums, which are already so wet and drooly-- I mean, would it even stay on?  I'm pretty sure my baby would just lick/suck that stuff right off.

It's always scary when these warnings come out.  Wouldn't you think that companies who are in the business of making substances that are just for babies would do thorough due diligence on the possible effects?  Like, oh, i don't know, death!?  I know there are risks with everything, but it can't be good with the FDA issues a warning about your product being potentially fatal in small children!  eek.

PS: Orajel also has a non-benzocaine version of their teething gel:

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