
1st trimester and a toddler : by amy

I went to the nail salon on my 30th birthday.  The lady doing my nails told me that her first born was exactly 2 years older when the second one came along, and that time was the most difficult time of her life. (Logan will be 2 years and 1 month older than number 2).  She also said she had morning sickness for FIVE MONTHS.  Her husband really wanted a daughter so suggested going for number 3.  She pretty much told him to suck it.  I don't blame her.  Morning sickness is awful.  Gosh, I forgot how awful it was.  I had it for a few weeks with Logan, but this time around has been much, much worse.  My sickness has actually been terrible at night starting at around 6:30pm or so.  Consequently, there have been many evenings where I've literally just plopped on the couch, unmoved, with no TV on, eyes closed, spitting up saliva and mucus and desperately praying that the dry heaving would stop.  I tried ginger, lemons, etc. but nothing really worked every time other than sleeping.  In the meantime, my husband has been my servant and slave, doing all of the house chores, feeding Logan, cleaning Logan and playing with Logan while I am completely useless, just silently making a baby in my uterus.

As I lay on the couch, the only thought that crosses my mind is I am never doing this again.  When mentioning this to my doctor, he appropriately rebutted with this probably isn't the right time to be contemplating that.  Fine, doc.  You're right.  Again.  But you're a MAN, so you have no idea what this feels like!  Not only would I personally hate to physically go through this again (at least the 1st trimester part), but I would hate to have to put my husband through this again but with TWO children to look after.  I know I sound terribly ungrateful.  Everytime I close my eyes, I remind myself of how blessed I am.  These nauseous times will soon pass (I hope).  But I'm still allowed to complain about my discomforts!

So, what is Logan thinking during all of this?  Does he even notice or realize that something's up?  I think he actually does.  Or maybe he just doesn't like me as much because I work too much (JUST KIDDING!  Seriously, I'm over that).  But, something did change.  I noticed that shortly after I started getting really sick in the evenings, he would really cling to my husband.  He's always been generally a little more affectionate towards my husband, but he's been even MORE clingy than usual, particularly when we step out of the house.  Maybe he sensed my energy levels had changed.  I hope he doesn't think that I purposely ignored him in the evenings.  Maybe it's just typical toddler clingyness peaking at 18 months?  We try telling him that there's a baby in my stomach-- my husband will point to my stomach and say Logan, let's say hi to the baby!  My husband will then hug my stomach and give it a kiss.  Logan will immediately  follow suit, though probably thinks he's just hugging/kissing umma.  I think he'll be a good older brother-- he's a very affectionate little fella (except when he's at the church nursery, ha), but I'm curious to observe how my toddler's behavior will change as my belly grows and as he realizes that change is on the horizon...

...to be continued.

P.S.: I purchased sea bands to treat the nausea.  I *think* it's been working.  It seems to have lessened the intensity of my nausea, but I still have random moments of kill-me-now-dry-heaving.  Definitely worth trying as they have zero side effects.

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