
"just blame it all on teething" by jean

A couple of weeks ago, Miles woke up around 3am with a screaming cry.  He's cried in the middle of the night before, probably because he was teething.  I usually just let him be, and he falls back asleep.  This time, it was a weird screaming-cry, so I couldn't ignore it.  He also was standing in his crib looking out, very angry, wondering why we weren't coming to him.  I took him out of the crib and tried to calm him down.  I put him back down.  More screaming.  I held him out in the living room hoping he'll fall back asleep in my arms.  That wasn't happening.  I put him back down in the crib and tapped his back "umma's here, umma's RIGHT here, shhhh shhhh".  As soon as he sounded like he was asleep and I walked away, SCREAMING.  I slumped over his crib for over 30 mins and then eventually took him out again since nothing seemed to work.  Did he not eat enough today?  Is he hurting somewhere?  Teething?  By then it was 5am.  We were so exhausted, so we did what we've never done before- bring him to bed with us.

Sleep training is a sensitive topic.  Here's how Amy sleep trained Logan, and here's my story.  I was never a big advocate for having the baby sleep with me in bed.  I know there are studies out there that suggest that bed-sharing gives them a sense of security, etc.  For me, it's pretty simple, if I don't get good sleep, I'll be a cranky mom and a cranky roommate.  No one wants that!  But when it became 5am and Miles was STILL not sleeping, and I had a few more hours before having to get up for work, I brought him to bed, and we all passed out.  

Now, I was terrified.  Was Miles going expect this every night?  Am I going to have to sleep train him again?  It's crazy how we re-think all we've done because one night didn't go according to plan.  

It happened for the next 2 nights and I was a zombie by the 3rd night.  I read about nighttime terrors on baby center but they say it's mainly for kids who are a bit older, so he must be just teething...can all things just be blamed on teething at this point?

By the 3rd night, I knew nothing was wrong.  He didn't need a diaper change; he didn't need more milk; he didn't need me to help me soothe him because I knew he could, eventually.  So the cry-it-out began when he woke up at 3:30am.  We both sat still and waited to see what would happen.  7 minutes of "I'm-miserable-come-get-me-out-because-I'm-angry" cry came out of Miles and then *silence*...he was sleeping!  Hallelujah!  So what happened??  Who knows.  I blame it on teething because I have no explanation.  Isn't that what you do?

Fast forward to this week:  Miles pulled the same thing on us a few nights ago.  Why?  Who knows.  All I know is I will have to let him cry it out again and hope that it's not for too long.  

What things do you blame on teething?

BTW, daylight savings this weekend.  That's gonna mess up the sleep schedule once again. Grrrreat.
Why do we observe daylight savings again?  ugh. 

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