
bath time: by jean

miles is really starting to love bath time and sometimes gets mad when i tell him "all done!"  he loves the water and LOVES playing with his skip hop dunck stacking bath toys!
skip hop dunck stacking bath toys

we've been using an older model of a bathtub by 4 moms  that one of our friends gave us after their daughter grew out of it.
older model of 4 moms bathtub
we love it because there's clean water flowing constantly, hence their "clean water collection."  now that he's gotten a little bigger, the area where his feet are is actually elevated since it's more for when babies aren't sitting up on their own.  since he refuses to sit back anymore, he sits forward with his legs squished toward his belly.  make sense?

so i put him in this other tub, safety 1st nature next infant to toddler tub that my friend grabbed for me at a magazine sale (yes i have GREAT friends).

safety 1st nature next infant to toddler tub
he FREAKED out.  my guess is it's not AS snug as his other one so he didn't like it.  i've tried it a few more times with very little water so he doesn't feel "floaty" in there.  he was ok but he wasn't fixed in one position and easily moved and turned which made me a bit nervous.

amy has the fisher price whale tub which i know she's been happy with, so i'm wondering if i need to switch over to that, or this really nice and modern, but bit over priced one:
hoppop bato bath tun $49.95 @ amazon

did you guys have to go through a "transition" tub for when your babies when they went from infant to toddler?  also, how do you get them to tilt their heads back to rinse off the shampoo?!!  miles just won't do it anymore so i end up having to hold him in my arms with his head towards the facet for a salon-style rinse before we are done.  let's just say, i am EXHAUSTED after bathtime!

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